Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Phuck You, Citicorp

...and fuck you too, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, AIG, American Express, General Motors, JP Morgan Chase, Suntrust, Regions Bank, BB&T and Mellon!

Fuck you fuck you fuck you US Bancorp, Huntington, Morgan Stanley, Comerica, Goldman Sachs, Chryler and all the rest of you rat bastards who allowed the government to put a gun to our heads, wrestle away our hard-earned money, and fill your disgusting fat faces with it.

I hate to be profane here on my blog, but the reprehensible profanity of these corporate pigs is so profoundly unnerving to me that I wish I could walk into each and every bailout recipient's corporate office and spit into the faces of their CEO's. They are the worst human excrement not presently under indictment for some form of capital rape, murder, or dismemberment.

And I'm a capitalist. Yes, I am a capitalist.

One of the things that pisses me off is that people who are stupid will naiively interpret the indefensible behavior of these pigs and tout it as proof of the untenability of capitalism. And yet, anyone with a brain understands that no one who takes a penny of taxpayer money to support their own criminal irresponsibility is a capitalist -- these fucks turned in their capitalist credentials when they sucked the government tit.

In a truly capitalistic economy, these assholes crash, burn, and die a quick corporate death due to their own shitty mismanagement -- their stockholders lose and learn a lesson, their executives lose and go find jobs they're more qualified for, their employees scramble for employment with whomever fills the void, and the smaller private institutions who are already doing it better rise and take their places. It isn't alway pretty, and some people cry that "it isn't fair", but it is a hell of a lot more fair than our government stealing it from us and doling it out to the people who contribute to their campaigns. We already know Congress is corrupt, stupid, and unredeeming. How dare we then allow those empty hair-sprayed suits to steal our sweat and hand it over to the worst of corporate America while the very best, who do not steal taxpayer's money, are left in the shadows to compete with the pigs. Who in hell cannot be outraged by this shit?

Oh, my little rant will change nothing. The time I have to investigate and properly castigate these thieves is minimal -- I'm too busy trying to eke out a living like everyone else. But I am so tempted to send my next credit card payment to Citibank accompanied not by a check, but by an invoice for my balance due on what they've stolen.

Make no mistake -- just because they used a government gun to rob me, I have no illusions as to exactly who it is who has violated me and my fellow Americans. These people have been my customers in business for the last 20 years, and I know about the minions of cubicle-bound workers who bust their asses for a paycheck while the few and arrogant sit in their corner high-rise offices planning their next golf-outings to Kapalua of Pebble Beach -- taking a tax deduction for it, of course. And they are not capitalists. Be they gaunt or pudgy, dashing or crumpled, the upper management of these institutions who are complicit in accepting bail-out money rather than their own responsibility for the failures of their institutions, are public enemies number 1 thru 1000.

I wish them nothing but pain and misfortune. Unfortunately, we as Americans have allowed our criminal Congress to let them once again pass on the pain -- this time not to their employees, but to us and our kids and our grandkids.

Fuck you, Citicorp. I hate you. Be expecting my bill.